You are one of the most CUTE
persons in the world!!
Just a second, don't misunderstand.
CUTE means:
This is a VIRUS . . .
When you turn your phone off it WON'T WORK AGAIN
Doing nothing?
Then Make a Place,
4 Me in ur Heart!!
I May come there any time!
Ur's Faithfully,
"HeArT aTtAcK
A study has proved that all
fools use their THUMB while reading a SMS.
Now its 2 late dont try 2 change ur finger! Catch another fool!
• I want U to know that U are very important to me, It's impossible for me to live without U even 4 a second! U r my life & I can feel U everywhere.... DON'T MIND I WAS TALKING ABOUT OXYGEN...