Snack's 1967

Friendship Day SMS

Friendship Day SMS

Time & distance are important between friends. When a friend is in ur heart, they remain there forever. I may be busy, but I assure u, u are always in my heart!

True friends are like Diamonds... they are real & rare. False friends r like leaves... they r scattered everywhere.

Friendship is not about finding similarities, it is about respecting differences. You are not my friend coz you are like me, but because i accept you and respect you the way you are.

Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know. My riches do not lie in material wealth, but in having friend like you - a precious gift from God.

Good FRIENDS CaRE for each Other..
CLoSE Friends UNDERSTaND each Other...
and TRUE Friends STaY forever
beyond words,
beyond time...**

Stars has 5 ends
Square has 4 ends
Trinagle has 3 ends
Line has 2 ends
but Circle of our friendship has no end...

When I was born, GOD said, "Oh No! Another IDIOT". When you were born, GOD said, "OH No! COMPETITION". Who knew, one day these two will become FREINDS FOREVER!

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